
Micropaver Software Free Download


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  2. Micropaver Manual

PAVERTM provides pavement management capabilities to: (1) develop and organize the pavement inventory; (2) assess the current condition of pavements; (3) develop models to predict future conditions; (4) report on past and future pavement performance; (5) develop scenarios for M&R based on budget or condition requirements; and (6) plan projects.


The following is a brief overview of the PAVERTM components and capabilities.

From the data gathered on the roads, a software program then makes recommendations on which of various methods of preservation work would best extend the life of the road at the most economical cost. Spending 2 to 3 cents per square yard on assessment, Barnhardt contended, can save $10 a square yard on maintenance. In view of the fact that the MicroPAVER is in our database as a program to support or convert various file extensions, you will find here a MicroPAVER download link. Get the software from the MicroPAVER developer website. Before you will download the program, make sure that you not have application MicroPAVER on your device installed yet - this will allow you to save some space on your disk. Server (IIS). The program will have the equivalent functionality of MicroPAVER version 5.3. Initially, the program will be designed to function in Internet Explorer web browser version. This software, BAKFAA, was developed by the FAA and has been available for. The PAVEAIR application will be made available for free download by users as a.


PAVERTM inventory management is based on a hierarchical structure composed of networks, branches, and sections, with the section being the smallest managed unit. This structure allows users to easily organize their inventory while providing numerous fields and levels for storing pavement data.

These are some of the other features included in Inventory:

  • User-defined Fields: In addition to the standard inventory information, users can define their own fields to meet their management requirements.
  • Virtual Inventory: Allows the user to create virtual copies of the existing inventory and group sections for easy presentation.
  • Surface Change: Automatically calculates and updates pavement surface based on work history information.
  • Edit Historical Inventory: Easily edit historical inventory values associated with previous inspections.

Field Inspection

To assess pavement condition, PAVERTM uses the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) as its primary standard. The PCI measures pavement condition on a scale from 0 to 100. ASTM has adopted the PCI as standard practice for roads (D-6433-03) and airfields (D-5340-04). PAVERTM provides users the ability to customize the PCI condition rating categories, Figure 1. PAVERTM also allows the user an interface for recording the results of an inspection, as well as for easily importing data from automated vehicle collection sources.

Figure 1: Pavement Condition Index(PCI) ranges may be customized and used for reporting analysis results.

Prediction Modeling

The Prediction Modeling function in PAVERTM helps identify and group pavements of similar construction that are subjected to similar traffic, weather, and other factors affecting pavement performance. The pavement condition historical data are used to build a model that can accurately predict the future performance of a group of pavements with similar attributes.

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Figure 2: Pavement 'family' models can be developed to predict future pavement condition.

Condition Analysis

The Condition Analysis feature allows users to view the condition of the entire pavement network or any specified subset of the network. This feature reports past conditions based on prior interpolated values between previous inspections. It reports projected conditions based on prediction models. In PAVERTM, conditions can be viewed on GIS maps in addition to tables and graphs.

Figure 3: Internal GIS can be used to display condition and analysis results. For example, Condition Analysis and Work Planning ourputs are displayed in GIS.

M&R Work Planning

Google play services apk download for android 2.3.6. The PAVERTM Work Planer is a tool for planning, scheduling, budgeting, and analyzing alternative pavement maintenance and repair (M&R) activities.

A new feature in PAVERTM 6, is the use of M&R Families. Sections are assigned to M&R Families to establish groups of pavements which would use different pavement cost tables, or receive similar types of M&R work. The Work Planner uses the M&R Families along with inspection data, maintenance policies, maintenance costs, and predictions of future pavement conditions to recommend M&R activities at the section level.

Another new feature is the PCI credit given for performing Localized Preventative Maintenance. This feature is similar to the existing Major and Global surface treatment credit that is included in PAVERTM 5.0.

The PAVERTM work plan provides two ways to analyze budgets scenarios. The first way determines the consequence of a selected budget on pavement condition and the resulting backlog of Major M&R (unfunded). In addition to a single budget scenario, PAVERTM 6.1 now offers a new budget split feature. The budget split feature allows the user to split a budget based on different M&R work types. This can aid a user that has a set budget for Global work and a different set budget for Major work. The second way determines the budget requirements to meet specific management objectives, i.e. backlog elimination or PCI goal. This enables managers to develop a variety of funding scenarios to support their decisions, Figure 4.

Figure 4: Work Planning enables users to determine how much funding is required to meet management objectives such as maintaining current PCI or eliminating backlog in 5 years.

Project Planning

The Project Planning tool is new in PAVERTM6. This tool, included in the M&R Plan, allows the user to develop projects based on user-specified required work and PAVERTM recommended work. This tool greately aids the user in planning projects and, upon completion of the projects, automatically update the work history data.

GIS Interface

PAVERTM includes internal mapping capabilities to view GIS reports directly in PAVERTM. PAVERTM also produces shapefiles of reports, such as inventory, inspection, condition analysis, and work plan that can be viewed in commercial GIS software.

Selection Tools

PAVERTM offers an improved user interface. New tools have been added to assist users in selecting pavement sections. Internal GIS-based selection has been added along with a 'Windows Explorer-like' tree selection tool. A pull-down menu selection tool and a tab selection tool have been added, Figure 5.

TM. For example, inventory and inspection screens will display the selected pavement section for data viewing or editing.' />


Figure 5: New GIS and tree based selection tools provide additional methods for selecting inventory items throughout PAVERTM. For example, inventory and inspection screens will display the selected pavement section for data viewing or editing.

GIS Assignment Tool

The GIS Assignment tool links the PAVERTM data for individual pavement sections to GIS data. The GIS Assignment tool provides an internal 'point-and-click' interface to create, remove, or change the link between pavement sections and GIS map features.

Using the same visual layout as Selectors, Figure 5, the tool dramatically reduces the time required to create or change the link between GIS and pavement data. This tool is designed to work directly with the same ESRI shapefiles that are used in PAVERTM’s internal GIS capabilities. The GIS assignment tool has been greatly improved in version 6.


Several wizards have been developed for PAVERTM 6.1. These wizards assist the user by providing a step by step process for several common tasks. These wizards are:

  • Inspection Setup Wizard: Sets up field inspection forms for future pavement surveys.
  • Work Entry Wizard: Enters multiple or single work history items and allows the user
    to create work history reports.
  • Calculate Last Construction Date: Tool for estimating the last construction
    dates of pavements without historical construction records.
  • Set Properties On Multiple Inventory Items: Tool for populating inventory items,
    including user-defined fields.
  • Import/export data for PAVER Field InspectorTM and PAVER Image InspectorTM
    (Now Available in PAVER 6.5.2).

This tutorial demonstrates how to create a TIN surface, and then add contour, breakline, and boundary data to the surface.

When you create a surface, its name is displayed in the Surfaces collection in Toolspace on the Prospector tab. From this location, you can perform other operations, such as adding data and editing the surface. When first created, the surface is empty, so it is not visible in the drawing.

After data has been added to a surface, it becomes visible in the drawing in accordance with the display settings specified in the referenced surface style.

TIN Surfaces

A TIN surface is composed of the triangles that form a triangulated irregular network. A TIN line is one of the lines that makes up the surface triangulation.

Apwa Micropaver

To create TIN lines, AutoCAD Civil 3D connects the surface points that are closest together. The TIN lines form triangles. The elevation of any point in the surface is defined by interpolating the elevations of the vertices of the triangles that the point lies in.

TIN surface with contour lines displayed

Contour Data

Contours are graphical illustrations of surface elevation changes. You can create a surface from contours drawn as 2D or 3D polylines that have x, y, and z coordinate data.


Boundaries are closed polylines that affect the visibility of the triangles either inside or outside the polylines. An outer boundary defines the extents of the surface. All triangles inside the boundary are visible, and all triangles that are outside the boundary are invisible.

Areas hidden by boundaries are not included in calculations, such as total area and volume.

Surface boundaries are defined by selecting existing polygons in the drawing. The surface definition displays the numerical ID and a list of vertices for each boundary.

A surface before adding a non-destructive outer boundary

Micropaver Manual

The effects of a non-destructive outer boundary


Breaklines define linear surface features, such as retaining walls, curbs, tops of ridges, and streams. Breaklines force surface triangulation to run along the breakline; triangles do not cross a breakline.

Breaklines are critical to creating an accurate surface model. Breaklines are important because it is the interpolation of the data, not just the data itself, that determines the shape of the model.

You can use 3D lines or 3D polylines as breaklines. Each vertex on the polyline is converted to a TIN point with the same XYZ coordinates. For 3D lines, each line that you select is defined as a two-point breakline.

Topics in this section
  • Exercise 1: Creating a TIN Surface
    In this exercise, you will create an empty TIN surface in a new drawing.
  • Exercise 2: Adding Point Data to a Surface
    In this exercise, you will import point data from a text file into the current drawing.
  • Exercise 3: Adding Breaklines to a Surface
    In this exercise, you will cause the surface to triangulate along a linear feature.
  • Exercise 4: Adding an Outer Boundary to a Surface
    In this exercise, you will create an outer surface boundary from a polyline.